SMDP Enterprise
Support for multiple companies, for each you can assign individual authorization settings, authorization method, counter status requirements, counter status control functions, other parameters, EVERY DEFINED CONTROLLER HAS SMDP PROFESSIONAL FEATURES.
Authorization in the system in front of refueling (selected in general for the whole company):
- possibility of individual authorization settings for individual vehicles and customers,
- the ability to require the entry of mileage (in kilometers or hours, depending on the vehicle) during refueling,
- function of control of continuity of the counter status - the system will not allow to enter a lower counter status than in the previous refueling,
- counter increment control function - the system will not allow the entry of a counter value with an increment greater than that established for the vehicle,
- possibility of individual settings of requirement, continuity control and increment control for individual vehicles, fuel tank capacity limit - a single refueling for a vehicle cannot be greater than the vehicle tank capacity declared in the program,
- no limits on drivers and IDs in the software, predefined or individual rights are assigned when adding operators,
- carrying out calculations of the state of the liquid in the tank,
- the function of warning about low level in case of low level, and blocking the pump at critical state,
- module to create reports according to their own needs individually by each operator,
- ability to export reports and other data to a spreadsheet or PDF,
- the ability to correct the calibration factor from the position of the computer,
- analysis of average fluid consumption of vehicles on the basis of the entered counter status before refueling (in units of l/100km or l/1rg.),
- module of automatic detection of refueling,
- emergency refueling function (realized by one-time codes),
- manual refueling function (realized by one-time codes),
- possibility of cooperation with the system of measuring the actual amount of liquid in the tank and detection of the interstitial space - SKP,
- possibility of temperature compensation of dispensed ON up to 15°C,
- possibility to expand the number of distribution points supported by the controller with MDP220 and MDP250 expansion modules.